Can Asbestos Be Hazardous to Your Health?

People recognized asbestos as being dangerous many years ago. However, asbestos can still be dangerous because there are still many older buildings and homes that have this substance in it. If your business or home is older, then choosing asbestos removal in Toronto is important for the health of you and others in the building.

Why Asbestos Is Hazardous

Asbestos by itself is not too harmful as long as you leave it alone. However, during a renovation, construction, or demolition project, then asbestos is very dangerous. A renovation project can send the asbestos dust through the air, allowing individuals to inhale it. If you do not schedule asbestos abatement in Toronto, then everyone in the area can face some serious health conditions. These can include:

Asbestosis: This is a chronic condition where the lungs begin to weaken. The asbestos fibres cause scar tissue to form in the area.
Pleural Disease: In this disease, the asbestos fibres cause the membrane in the chest cavity to thicken. This reduces the efficiency of the lungs and can cause fluid to build up.

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Contact Details:

Air Doctors Inc.
5192 Old Brock Road
Claremont, On,
L1Y 1B7
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Phone No- 416-278-3902


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