What is Vermiculite Removal and Why it is Important?

Vermiculite is a natural material used as attic insulation. While the word “natural” may make you think it is perfectly fine, the fact is that you want it removed as quickly as possible. Mined from the earth, Vermiculite consists of small, shiny flakes that resemble mica. However, when heated, this material expands. If you need Vermiculite removal, it’s important to use the services of a reputable company.

Vermiculite removal

The problem is not the Vermiculite itself but rather that in some instances, it contains asbestos. As you may know, asbestos is a potentially deadly material builders used during the 1930s up to the late 1980s, at which time the Environmental Protection Agency banned it. This is the reason the best asbestos removal companies in Toronto recommend that people have their attic insulation tested to make sure it does not contain this dangerous substance.

Just like with mold, a professional company will start with Vermiculite testing; that way, the inspector can confirm that the material is in fact what he suspected. The problem is that there is no way to tell if the Vermiculite contains asbestos. For that reason, the expert will don protective gear to take a small sample. Once placed and secured in a plastic bag, the sample goes to a laboratory for testing.

View original source to read full content: https://asbestosmouldremoval.ca/blog/what-is-vermiculite-removal-and-why-it-is-important/

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